2 Sessions plus Personalized Wellness Plan

The Wellness Plan is a Step by Step Plan to a sustainable lifestyle that will provide you with optimal wellness.






Discovery Session: collecting all test results, going through current lifestyle, supplementation and eating habits in detail.

Bioindividual Wellness Plan:

  • Optimal Health Individual Daily Schedule
  • Personalized Supplement Protocol
  • Customized Food Shopping List
  • Personalized Meal Ideas for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks

Analysis of progress and adjustment of the wellness plan accordingly. Addressing concerns such as sleep, stress, physical activity, etc.

The Wellness Plan includes three 50-minute strategy sessions where we get to the root cause of why you might not have the level of health you desire and what’s preventing you from reaching your goals. We look at your health history, deficiencies, allergies, digestive challenges, toxicity, potential hormonal imbalances and lifestyle misalignment.

During the second session, we'll go over your personal Wellness Plan in detail. It is loaded with valuable information, tools, and customized action plans to give you a clear road map to success. You will learn the proper health and wellness protocols for your specific needs because every person has a unique genetic make up and there is no one size fits all diet.

Based on what we uncover during the strategy session, you will receive a customized holistic wellness plan, because we are all bio-individuals with different needs and different biological makeup. Fast Track Wellness Plan - $500